LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - _classes/controller - date_format_helper.dart (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 61 65 93.8 %
Date: 2024-10-04 11:08:31 Functions: 0 0 -

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright 2023 The terCAD team. All rights reserved.
       2             : // Use of this source code is governed by a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
       3             : 
       4             : import 'package:app_finance/_classes/herald/app_locale.dart';
       5             : import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
       6             : 
       7             : class _Assertion {
       8             :   int min = 0;
       9             :   int max = 0;
      10             :   int length = 0;
      11             : }
      12             : 
      13             : class DateFormatHelper {
      14           1 :   String detectFormat(List<String> data, String locale, [List<String>? ampm]) {
      15           0 :     ampm ??= [AppLocale.labels.dtAm, AppLocale.labels.dtPm];
      16           1 :     List<String?> format = [];
      17           1 :     Map<int, _Assertion> check = {};
      18           3 :     for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      19           2 :       final value = splitDateTime(data[i]);
      20           3 :       if (format.length < value.length) {
      21           5 :         format.addAll(List<String?>.filled(value.length - format.length, null));
      22             :       }
      23           3 :       for (int j = 0; j < value.length; j++) {
      24           2 :         final nm = int.tryParse(value[j]);
      25           4 :         if (nm != null && nm > 0 && value[j].length == 8) {
      26           1 :           format[j] = 'yyyyMMdd';
      27           2 :         } else if (value[j].startsWith('T')) {
      28          11 :           format[j] = ["'T'", 'HH', if (value[j].length > 3) 'mm', if (value[j].length > 5) 'ss'].join('');
      29           2 :         } else if (value[j] == "'") {
      30           1 :           format[j] = "''";
      31           3 :         } else if (value[j].contains(RegExp(r'[,.\\\/\:\|; -]'))) {
      32           2 :           format[j] = value[j];
      33             :         } else if (nm != null) {
      34           2 :           check[j] ??= _Assertion()
      35           1 :             ..min = nm
      36           1 :             ..max = nm
      37           3 :             ..length = value[j].length;
      38           7 :           check[j]!.min = check[j]!.min > nm ? nm : check[j]!.min;
      39           7 :           check[j]!.max = check[j]!.max < nm ? nm : check[j]!.max;
      40          11 :           check[j]!.length = check[j]!.length < value[j].length ? value[j].length : check[j]!.length;
      41           6 :         } else if (value.length > j + 1 && value[j + 1] == ',') {
      42           1 :           format[j] = 'E';
      43           3 :         } else if (ampm.contains(value[j].toLowerCase())) {
      44           1 :           format[j] = 'a';
      45             :         } else {
      46           0 :           format[j] = "'${value[j].replaceAll("'", "''")}'";
      47             :         }
      48             :       }
      49             :     }
      50           2 :     return _fillDates(format, check, locale).join('');
      51             :   }
      52             : 
      53           1 :   List<String> _fillDates(List<String?> format, Map<int, _Assertion> check, String locale) {
      54           1 :     bool isMonth = _isMonthFirst(locale);
      55           4 :     final timeDiv = format.where((v) => v == ':').length;
      56           3 :     final time = ['HH', 'mm', if (timeDiv > 1) 'ss'];
      57           1 :     final dmy = ['y', 'M', 'd'];
      58           1 :     final idxFist = format.indexOf(null);
      59           2 :     final firstDay = check[idxFist]?.max ?? 0;
      60           3 :     List<String> dates = isMonth && firstDay <= 12 ? ['M', 'd'] : ['d', 'M'];
      61           4 :     if (firstDay > 31 || check[idxFist]?.min == 0) {
      62           2 :       final idxSecond = format.indexOf(null, idxFist + 1);
      63           3 :       if (isMonth && (check[idxSecond]?.max ?? 0) > 12) {
      64           0 :         dates = dates.reversed.toList();
      65             :       }
      66           1 :       dates.insert(0, 'y');
      67             :     } else {
      68           1 :       dates.add('y');
      69             :     }
      70           2 :     final max = format.length - 1;
      71           2 :     for (int i = max; i >= 0; i--) {
      72           1 :       if (format[i] != null) {
      73             :         continue;
      74             :       }
      75          10 :       if (time.isNotEmpty && (i > 1 && format[i - 1] == ':' || i + 1 < max && format[i + 1] == ':')) {
      76           2 :         format[i] = time.removeLast();
      77          10 :       } else if (dmy.isNotEmpty && (i > 1 && format[i - 1] == '-' || i + 1 < max && format[i + 1] == '-')) {
      78           2 :         format[i] = dmy.removeLast();
      79           2 :       } else if (dates.isNotEmpty && check[i] != null) {
      80           2 :         format[i] = dates.removeLast();
      81             :       } else {
      82           0 :         format[i] = '?';
      83             :       }
      84           2 :       if (format[i] == 'y') {
      85           5 :         format[i] = List<String>.filled(check[i]?.length ?? 1, 'y').join('');
      86             :       }
      87             :     }
      88           1 :     return format.cast();
      89             :   }
      90             : 
      91           1 :   bool _isMonthFirst(String locale) {
      92           1 :     DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.yMd(locale);
      93           3 :     List<String> formattedDate = dateFormat.format(DateTime(2023, 10, 20)).split('/');
      94           3 :     return formattedDate.indexOf('10') < formattedDate.indexOf('20');
      95             :   }
      96             : 
      97           1 :   List<String> splitDateTime(String value) {
      98           1 :     RegExp regex = RegExp(r"\d+|[,.\\\/\:\|;-]|'| |\w+");
      99           5 :     return regex.allMatches(value).map((match) =>!).toList();
     100             :   }
     101             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14