LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - lib/pages/account - account_add_page.dart (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 112 116 96.6 %
Date: 2024-10-04 11:12:13 Functions: 0 0 -

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright 2023 The terCAD team. All rights reserved.
       2             : // Use of this source code is governed by a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
       3             : 
       4             : import 'package:app_finance/_classes/herald/app_design.dart';
       5             : import 'package:app_finance/_classes/herald/app_locale.dart';
       6             : import 'package:app_finance/_classes/structure/account_app_data.dart';
       7             : import 'package:app_finance/_configs/account_type.dart';
       8             : import 'package:app_finance/_classes/controller/focus_controller.dart';
       9             : import 'package:app_finance/_classes/storage/app_preferences.dart';
      10             : import 'package:app_finance/_configs/theme_helper.dart';
      11             : import 'package:app_finance/_ext/build_context_ext.dart';
      12             : import 'package:app_finance/design/wrapper/input_wrapper.dart';
      13             : import 'package:app_finance/design/wrapper/text_wrapper.dart';
      14             : import 'package:app_finance/pages/_interfaces/abstract_add_page.dart';
      15             : import 'package:app_finance/design/form/date_time_input.dart';
      16             : import 'package:app_finance/design/button/full_sized_button_widget.dart';
      17             : import 'package:app_finance/design/form/simple_input.dart';
      18             : import 'package:app_finance/design/wrapper/row_widget.dart';
      19             : import 'package:app_finance/design/wrapper/single_scroll_wrapper.dart';
      20             : import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
      21             : import 'package:flutter_currency_picker/flutter_currency_picker.dart';
      22             : 
      23             : class AccountAddPage extends AbstractAddPage {
      24             :   final String? title;
      25             :   final String? description;
      26             :   final String? type;
      27             :   final Currency? currency;
      28             :   final DateTime? validTillDate;
      29             :   final double? balance;
      30             :   final IconData? icon;
      31             :   final MaterialColor? color;
      32             : 
      33           2 :   const AccountAddPage({
      34             :     super.key,
      35             :     this.title,
      36             :     this.description,
      37             :     this.type,
      38             :     this.currency,
      39             :     this.validTillDate,
      40             :     this.balance,
      41             :     this.icon,
      42             :     this.color,
      43             :   });
      44             : 
      45           1 :   @override
      46           1 :   AccountAddPageState createState() => AccountAddPageState();
      47             : }
      48             : 
      49             : class AccountAddPageState<T extends AccountAddPage> extends AbstractAddPageState<AccountAddPage> {
      50             :   late FocusController focus;
      51             :   late TextEditingController title;
      52             :   late TextEditingController description;
      53             :   String? type;
      54             :   Currency? currency;
      55             :   DateTime? validTillDate;
      56             :   DateTime balanceUpdateDate =;
      57             :   late TextEditingController balance;
      58             :   IconData? icon;
      59             :   MaterialColor? color;
      60             : 
      61           1 :   @override
      62             :   void initState() {
      63           2 :     focus = FocusController();
      64           4 :     title = TextEditingController(text: widget.title);
      65           4 :     description = TextEditingController(text: widget.description);
      66           3 :     type = widget.type;
      67           3 :     validTillDate = widget.validTillDate;
      68           4 :     balance = TextEditingController(text: widget.balance != null ? widget.balance.toString() : '');
      69           3 :     icon = widget.icon;
      70           3 :     color = widget.color;
      71           1 :     final currencyId = AppPreferences.get(AppPreferences.prefCurrency);
      72           4 :     currency = widget.currency ?? CurrencyProvider.find(currencyId);
      73           1 :     super.initState();
      74             :   }
      75             : 
      76           1 :   @override
      77             :   void dispose() {
      78           2 :     title.dispose();
      79           2 :     description.dispose();
      80           2 :     balance.dispose();
      81           2 :     focus.dispose();
      82           1 :     super.dispose();
      83             :   }
      84             : 
      85           1 :   @override
      86           2 :   String getTitle() => AppLocale.labels.createAccountHeader;
      87             : 
      88           1 :   @override
      89             :   bool hasFormErrors() {
      90          11 :     setState(() => hasError = type == null || type?.isEmpty == true || title.text.isEmpty || currency == null);
      91           1 :     return hasError;
      92             :   }
      93             : 
      94           1 :   @override
      95             :   void updateStorage() {
      96           1 :     if (currency != null) {
      97           2 :!);
      98             :     }
      99           3 :     state.add(AccountAppData(
     100           2 :       title: title.text,
     101           1 :       type: type ??,
     102           2 :       description: description.text,
     103           3 :       details: double.tryParse(balance.text) ?? 0.0,
     104             :       progress: 1.0,
     105           1 :       color: color ??,
     106           1 :       currency: currency,
     107             :       hidden: false,
     108           1 :       icon: icon,
     109           1 :       closedAt: validTillDate,
     110           1 :       createdAt: balanceUpdateDate,
     111             :     ));
     112             :   }
     113             : 
     114           1 :   @override
     115           2 :   String getButtonName() => AppLocale.labels.createAccountTooltip;
     116             : 
     117           1 :   @override
     118             :   Widget buildButton(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
     119           1 :     NavigatorState nav = Navigator.of(context);
     120           1 :     return FullSizedButtonWidget(
     121             :       constraints: constraints,
     122           1 :       controller: focus,
     123           2 :       onPressed: () => triggerActionButton(nav),
     124           1 :       title: getButtonName(),
     125             :       icon:,
     126             :     );
     127             :   }
     128             : 
     129           1 :   @override
     130             :   Widget buildContent(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
     131           1 :     final TextTheme textTheme = context.textTheme;
     132           1 :     double indent = ThemeHelper.getIndent(2);
     133           1 :     double width = ThemeHelper.getWidth(context, 6, constraints);
     134             : 
     135           1 :     return SingleScrollWrapper(
     136           1 :       controller: focus,
     137           1 :       child: Container(
     138           1 :         margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(indent, indent, indent, 240),
     139           1 :         child: Column(
     140           1 :           crossAxisAlignment: AppDesign.getAlignment(),
     141           1 :           children: [
     142           1 :   
     143             :               isRequired: true,
     144           1 :               value: type,
     145           2 :               title: AppLocale.labels.accountType,
     146           2 :               tooltip: AppLocale.labels.accountTypeTooltip,
     147           1 :               showError: hasError && type == null,
     148           1 :               options: AccountType.getList(),
     149           4 :               onChange: (value) => setState(() => type = value),
     150             :             ),
     151           1 :             InputWrapper.text(
     152             :               isRequired: true,
     153           1 :               controller: title,
     154           2 :               title: AppLocale.labels.title,
     155           2 :               tooltip: AppLocale.labels.titleAccountTooltip,
     156           1 :               showError: hasError && title.text.isEmpty,
     157             :             ),
     158           1 :             RowWidget(
     159             :               indent: indent,
     160           1 :               maxWidth: width + indent,
     161             :               chunk: const [80, 80, null],
     162           1 :               children: [
     163           1 :                 [
     164           1 :                   InputWrapper.icon(
     165           1 :                     value: icon,
     166           2 :                     title: AppLocale.labels.icon,
     167           0 :                     onChange: (value) => setState(() => icon = value),
     168             :                   ),
     169             :                 ],
     170           1 :                 [
     171           1 :                   InputWrapper.color(
     172           1 :                     value: color,
     173           2 :                     title: AppLocale.labels.color,
     174           0 :                     onChange: (value) => setState(() => color = value),
     175             :                   ),
     176             :                 ],
     177           1 :                 [
     178           1 :                   InputWrapper.text(
     179           1 :                     controller: description,
     180           2 :                     title: AppLocale.labels.details,
     181           2 :                     tooltip: AppLocale.labels.detailsTooltip,
     182             :                   ),
     183             :                 ],
     184             :               ],
     185             :             ),
     186           1 :             InputWrapper.currency(
     187             :               isRequired: true,
     188           1 :               showError: hasError && currency == null,
     189           1 :               value: currency,
     190           2 :               title: AppLocale.labels.currency,
     191           2 :               tooltip: AppLocale.labels.currencyTooltip,
     192           4 :               onChange: (value) => setState(() => currency = value),
     193             :             ),
     194           3 :             if (!AccountType.contains(type ?? '', [AppAccountType.account,]))
     195           1 :               InputWrapper(
     196             :                 type: NamedInputType.ymSelector,
     197           2 :                 title: AppLocale.labels.validTillDate,
     198           1 :                 value: validTillDate,
     199           0 :                 onChange: (value) => setState(() => validTillDate = value),
     200             :               ),
     201           1 :             InputWrapper.text(
     202           2 :               title: AppLocale.labels.balance,
     203           2 :               tooltip: AppLocale.labels.balanceTooltip,
     204           1 :               controller: balance,
     205             :               inputType: const TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: true),
     206           1 :               formatter: [
     207           1 :                 SimpleInputFormatter.filterDouble,
     208             :               ],
     209             :             ),
     210           1 :             Row(
     211             :               mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
     212           1 :               children: [
     213           1 :                 TextWrapper(
     214           2 :                   AppLocale.labels.balanceDate,
     215           1 :                   style: textTheme.bodyLarge,
     216             :                 ),
     217           1 :                 Tooltip(
     218           2 :                   message: AppLocale.labels.balanceDateTooltip,
     219             :                   child: const Icon(Icons.info_outline),
     220             :                 ),
     221             :               ],
     222             :             ),
     223           1 :             DateTimeInput(
     224             :               width: width,
     225           1 :               value: balanceUpdateDate,
     226           0 :               setState: (value) => setState(() => balanceUpdateDate = value),
     227             :             ),
     228           1 :             ThemeHelper.hIndent2x,
     229             :           ],
     230             :         ),
     231             :       ),
     232             :     );
     233             :   }
     234             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14